Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Religious belief system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religious belief system - Essay Example Perceptive on theism, philosophy, spirituality, and other beliefs are similar and dissimilar from what one considers of ‘religion’, can assist a lot in understanding the religion. Few points out where the outer borders of religion exist, whereas some assist to identify with what religion essentially comprises. The Baptists are one of the major denominations of protestant and form 35 million members globally. They differentiate themselves from Protestants mainly on their firmness on: baptism of adult believers only; they are concerned of the freedom of speech and conscience and freedom from interferences; they give dominance to Scripture in matters of faith, doctrine, and morals; and the authority they give to congregation in church affairs. The precursors of present day Baptists were the Anabaptists - members of a radical movement of the 16th-century reformation which believed in the dominance of the Bible, in baptism as an external witness of the believers personal covenant of inner faith, and in separation of church from state and of believers from nonbelievers - of the reformation period. Few Anabaptist worshippers were settled in Holland in the early 17th century when large number of Puritan Independents, escaped from England to Holland. These Puritans were influenced by the Anabaptists, and were persuaded that Christian baptism was correct only for adults with a personal faith and commitment. After going back to England, this group formed the first Baptist worshippers in 1611. According to Baptists beliefs the Christian lives are as one of individual faith and of solemn commitment to live in accordance with the highest Christian principles. Hence each individual must be reborn, renewed into a new life, and get together into the church community. As a matter of fact for Baptists, the church is in essence the result of change and of refinement, a society of dedicated advocates. In fact the church is holy only when the belief

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Its about the three books ( A lone together ), ( Steve Jobs ), and ( Assignment

Its about the three books ( A lone together ), ( Steve Jobs ), and ( Facebook Effect ) - Assignment Example The economic policies are not the only limitations but the health and education policies together with other vital factors have been considered to put the country into a wrong track. There has been a promise on job creation by the government, which is yet to be accomplished. Income inequality is another of the factors of major interest among the Americans. How can the government be trusted while there is inequality of wealth; wealth is concentrated among the few persons while a majority still languish in joblessness and lack of basic income that can sustain their daily needs. Turkle believes in interdependence among people through technology (Turkle, 2011). As for the article in Arthur, there is clear interdependence of the students, staff and the other people involved in the university. The article defines its limits of interdependency to physical. Turkle, on the other hand, believes that through technology many have been interdependent in all aspects; which ranges from socializing to information or business sharing. It is informed that both parties define the existence of interdependence among people of different aspects. According to Steve Jobs, comprehensive design was to include simplicity without minimalism; the design was to integrate all the objectives of creation, with ease of use, but not at the cost of functionality. In his designs he articulated for artistic design from the cover, to the inner part of the system. In creating the designs, his main considerations were the usability of the system, as well as the beauty of the design to impress its users (Isaacson, 2011). These parts of architect formed the basis of the company in creating systems. Steve Jobs Company was mainly driven by innovation. The description of his approach can be defined as value disruption design. Whose main objective is to create a